Established in 1987 AL SAIDA TRADING AND CONTRACTING COMPANY, is one of the leading Supplier & Contractor for the Electrical, Instrumentation and Mechanical industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Our pursuit towards optimum quality and zero error performance in all activities are well known in the market, and being appreciated by our business partners.

In a short span of time our company has acquired a prestigious position among the multitude of Trading, Contracting and Utility companies in KSA. We serve and
support our customers so they can achieve their goals and become successful in their field of business. This is achieved through the supply of our high-quality products, services; and by providing customer-specific solutions but with high regard to accepted standards.

We are based & headquartered in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

AL SAIDA TRADING AND CONTRACTING COMPANY represents world renowned manufacturers from USA, Europe & Asia. We have established our-self as a reliable, powerful, diversified single source leading supplier by having electrical test and measuring equipments for our valued customers. In addition to the existing products as above, AL SAIDA TRADING has strengthened its local & international reach by supporting existing and new customers with more products manufactured by overseas manufacturers in the field power and telecom, with an unflagging commitment to growth and value.

With our range of products & test equipments you can minimize risk of premature failures and obtain optimum life of high value equipments. We had been catering a wide range of industry segments right from medium sized companies to biggest company bases in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia viz.

  • Oil & Gas Industry
  • Telecom industry and manufacturing companies
  • Power generation, Transmission & Distribution Companies
  • Cable / Transformer / Motors / Generator Manufacturers
  • Erection & commissioning organizations
  • Substation Maintenance companies
  • Contracting & Consultants companies
  • Electro Mechanical Contracting

AL SAIDA CONTRACTING on the other-hand our Civil Construction arm is well known in the market for all kind of Civil and Construction projects and work, We equipped with state of the art Machineries and equipment as well as highly skilled professional engineers and skilled workers to. We not just build roads but we build a lasting relationship with our clients. We achieved this by building the trust and confidence; through the quality of output that we provide our clients.

For more that past two decades AL SAIDA CONTRACTING has completed several of projects throughout the kingdom with our clients, developers and contractors either as a general contractor or subcontractor. Al SAIDA CONTRACTING fosters a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect towards the common goal of quality. Quality of work is paramount, along with the completion of the project on target and on time with satisfactory turnout
as our main objective.

For us AL SAIDA TRADING AND CONTRACTING COMPANY, Our track record is important to us and we strive as a company to maintain this position of trust and quality with our clients into our next projects, development and future business ventures

نبذة مختـصــــــــــرة

تأسست شركة الصائدة للتجارة والمقاولات لتكون إحدى المؤسسات الوطنية السعودية الرائدة في تجارة أجهزة الاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية ومستلزماتها وقطـع غيارها ومعـدات وسيارات فحـص وإختبار الكابلات الكهربائية وتمديد الكابلات الكهربائية
نمثل العالم من مصنعين ذوي شهرة عالمية من أوروبا وآسيا وأمريكا
نسعى الى تقديم خدمة مميزة إلى عملاءنا الكرام متمنيين أن تنال خدماتنا حسن رضائهم
شعارنا الصدق والمصداقية في التعامل مع الأخرين
شعارنا الجودة والمنافسة الشريفة التي تؤدى إلى خدمة العملاء
نحن وكلاء معتمدون وموزعون لأكبر الشركات العالمية المتخصصة في مجال صناعة أجهزة الاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية ومستلزماتها وقطع غيارها
نتعامل مع مجموعة شركـات مختلفـة في مكـان واحـد وفى وقـت واحـد وذلـك لتلبية إحتياجات السوق المحلى في أسرع وقت ممكن بمعنى أننا نخدم الآن كماً هائلاً من قطاعات الصناعة من الشركات متوسطة الحجم إلى الشركات كبيرة الحجم سواء داخل المملكة العربية السعودية أو خارجها كالمجالات الاتية
مختبرات المعايرة والأختبار –  شركات توليد وإرسال وتوزيع الطاقة
شركات تصنيع الكابلات والمحولات والموتورات والمولدات    –  شركات التركيب والتشغيل التجريبي
شركات صــــيـــــــــــــانة المحطـــــــــــــــــــــــــات – شركات المقاولات والاستشارات
شركات صناعة الطائرات وهياكلها – صناعات النفط والغاز
شركات المـــــــــــرافــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق – صناعات المــــــــــيـــــــــــــــاه
نحــن نتميز بتقديم خدمـة مــــا بعد البيع مـــن خلال مهندسين الكهرباء والالكترونيـات ذوى الخبرة
أخــــــــــــــــي الكـــــــريـــــــــم إذا رغبت فــــــــــي معرفة مــــــــزيد من المعلومات، نرجـــــــو ألا تتردد في الاتصـــــــــال بــــــنــــــــــــــــا

المدير العام
خالد مانع آل سالم

  • "To provide clients with superior quality and trustworthy products and services to support them in their individual success."

  • "We envision to be the most trusted company for trade and contracting in the electrical industry within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."



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